Notes on Notebooks

Before websites, Twitter, and Facebook, we have always written our thoughts down in journals and notebooks. To this day, we always have a notebook somewhere within reach.

All of Our Notebooks

Top Row, Left to Right:
Flowery Red, Blue, and Cream Journal from Barnes & Nobles: This journal was a gift to Steffie... from Steffie. She thought she deserved something pretty for herself when she turned 23. Right now it is full of random notes purely about books. Whenever she buys or finishes reading a book, she writes notes about it in there. Weird? Yes, but it works for her.

Little Nemo Journals by Eeboo: These are three 5.25 x 7 notebooks with illustrations of Little Nemo in Slumberland. These are used for EVERYTHING. We always have one of these little guys near by. Here's a better look at some of the designs:
Little Nemo in Slumberland Notebooks

We bought the one with the band recently at Half-Priced Books in Round Rock, Texas for only $2.95. We thought it was cute to begin with and thought the art looked vaguely familiar. Once we realized it was Little Nemo, we bought it on the spot. Then we looked online if there were anymore available. There was but for $7.95. Yea, we weren't spending that much. The next day we went to the Half-Priced Book in Austin, Texas (on Palmer) and found the other two. Ever since we've bought them, every note, idea, obscure thought goes into them. The only thing we did not like about them is that they were not lined. We usually don't draw in our journals and rely heavily on lines to keep things neat. We did a find a solution though! We drew our own lines with all the color pencils we could find.


Composition Notebooks: We have roughly 8 of these. These are used for when we start insane projects or for school. Mostly the insane projects.

Union Jack Journal: We got this during our trip in London for a very specific reason. We are quite lazy but also very creative. For our family and friends who want to see the pictures of our trip, we are making a book about it. That way, we don't have to constantly explain all the pictures. It has more personal details than what we allow on this site. Silly things like rude comments about people we didn't like, drawings of events about those people we didn't like, the numbers of all the dudes who hit on Steffie and she said she would call but never did, and drunk pictures of Steffie and Lil' Gossamer in pubs.

Bottom Row, Left to Right:

Butterfly Journal from Barnes & Noble: This was the journal we used while in London. It has notes from classes, badly drawn comics of our adventures, and rants about the tours we were forced to take. The picture below has drawings of horses by all the people in our little Study Abroad group.

Journal Doodles

Basic 1-Subject Notebooks: We are pretty sure we have over a gazillion of these. We mostly use these for school since they are so cheap. They don't last long and usually fall apart because of all the stuff we put them through.

Big Flowery Journal: We don't really like this journal. It's too big for taking around and a bit awkward to write in sometimes. Right now it is mostly filled with obscure NaNoWriMo ideas.

It is safe to say we have a bit of a notebook/journal obsession.

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